All Changes to the playing schedule must be approved by the Controlling Body.
All games must be played on the date and time set for that round or, by agreement and approval of the Controlling Body PRIOR to the scheduled date of the next round.
All players and markers MUST wear UNIFORM.
Committee Members:
Bowls Co-Ordinator: Sarah Ashby
All individuals or team entrants are required to play in accordance with the scheduling requirements of the relevant Controlling Body’s on the dates and time set for the event. Any changes to the schedule are subject to approval by the Controlling Body only.
If your name is on the nomination sheet at the time of close of entries, you will be drawn to play. If you don’t play or you give a walkover you will be charged the entry fee for that event.
Non-attendance without an apology, may incur a suspension or fine as decided by the General Committee.
Members are required to contact the relevant Controlling Body, in the event of inclement weather, or are uncertain whether an event will be held.
If a player fails to attend within 15 minutes of the nominated starting time of an event without some notification, the match will be awarded to his/her opponent.
If a player, who is the member of a team, is unable to play in an event it is the responsibility of the remaining team member(s) of the team to organist a substitute, such substitute shall not have already played in a defeated team.
Losing entrants in individual events will be required to act as “markers” for the next game. Markers are to make themselves conversant with the duties of a Marker as detailed in the Rule 55, of the Umpires Manual.
Dress for all Club Championship events: Players and Markers are required to wear Club Colours.
There is to be no roll up prior to the games official start time.
Mon – Tues: 10am – 11pm
Wed – Thurs: 10am – 12am
Fri – Sat: 10am – 1am
Sun: 10am – 11pm